Safe Streets & Roads For All Action Plan — April/May 2024 Update

Kuna Engineering visited the community of Saint Paul Island from April 14 through April 18, 2024.

They met with City staff and Council, the Saint Paul Health Center, TDX, and Aleut Community of Saint Paul Tribal Government.

The Kuna team toured the island roadways, conducted road safety inspections, and documented problematic areas and infrastructure.  Photos taken were integrated into photo logs that include information about material type use on roadways and general understanding of road conditions. Community roadways, including NE and SW Point Roads, were evaluated. Many areas of pooled water, ineffective drainage, and significant erosion were observed. Areas where seasonal freeze/thaw cycles had inundated roadways and created visible roadway damage were observed.

The Kuna team conducted a public meeting to gather community input on necessary road safety related improvements to be included in the SS4A Action Plan. The Kuna Team also facilitated outreach sessions with students in various grades at the Saint Paul School.

The Kuna Team participated in a radio interview with Ethan at the KUHB-FM Radio Station and discussed transportation safety in the community, outreach, and ongoing efforts in the development of the Action Plan.
